Jul, 2022

Best Student Poster Award - IEEE

The IEEE Sensors Council Italy Chapter recognizes distinguished posters presented by student at the 8th International Summer School of Neuroengineering that will be held in presence and virtually, from Genova, Italy, on July, 18-2 2022, through a presentation of an Award for the “Best Student Poster”.

The Award consists in a Certificate and one prize of 100 € to the author of the Best Abstract and related Poster, who has the requisites indicated below.

Only authors with the following requisites are eligible for the award:

  • be a Member of IEEE;
  • be a student at the time the paper was submitted;
  • be the first author of the abstract associated to the poster.

The award recipient will be selected by a Committee formed by four lecturers of the conference with no conflicts of interests. The Award Committee is composed by

  1. Gabriele Arnulfo (University of Genoa, Italy)
  2. Alessandra Sciutti (Italian Institute of Technology, Italy)
  3. Giulio Dagnino (Twente University, The Netherlands)
  4. Giacomo Valle (ETH, Switzerland)


The winner will be notified and awarded the last day of the school. All the decisions of the Board are final. No ex-aequo is allowed

Read 2351 times Last modified on Friday, 08 July 2022 10:38