Abstract & Awards

Paper preparation

PhD students and post-docs are invited to submit a SHORT PAPER (1 page) reporting original research of theoretical or applied nature using the online submission system. The short paper should explicitly include the primary results and findings, emphasizing new advances, theories and/or applications so that the program committee will be able to understand the originality and the value of the work. A submission implies willingness to register and present the work if the paper is accepted for presentation at the summer school. Manuscripts will be reviewed by the Technical Program Committee. Authors of accepted short papers, must register for the summer school, and attend to present their papers during the poster session.
The maximum length for final papers is 1 pages.

Deadlines: The deadline for the submission is 30th June 2022.
Submission: The submission will be possible only through the email address: info@neuroengineering.unige.net
Awards: The three best posters will be awarded during the last day of the School and the winner students will have 10-minutes for presenting their works.

Paper template

Microsoft Word (format rtf)

All posters supposed to be printed by Author on B1 format (70x100cm) in vertical position. There is no specific template for posters. Posters must be set up and removed promptly. Authors have the responsibility to make sure the poster is mounted and removed on time